Sony, Microsoft and 2K

As we previously reported, some hackers have published thousands of passwords from Sony, Microsoft and 2K. But Sony says it has not found any evidence testifying to the fact that PSN was hacked and that 2,131 accesses have been compromised as the hacker group said recently.

As reported in our previous investigation, the hacker group that has claimed responsibility for a DDoS attack on the servers of Blizzard claimed to have user credentials complete with username and password 2131 PSN account, 1,473 accounts and 2,000 Microsoft Windows Live account 2K Games, in addition to other types of credentials equally dangerous if used by the wrong hands.

Psn codes

0 0 Sony denies that PSN was hacked ps4 playstation sony playstation network hacker ps4
"We investigated the allegations about the fact that our network had been violated, and we found no evidence that there has been any intrusion into our network," said Sony in a statement to Joystiq. "Unfortunately, Internet fraud, including phishing and stolen passwords are realities that consumers and online networks face at regular intervals. We take these reports very seriously and we will continue to closely monitor our network. "
As noted later CNET, the loss of information may have been false, proposing user password obtained in previous violations. So probably you will be safe, but it's never a bad idea to change your password in any case.